Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mystery Shopping - a Great Freelance Job opportunity

What is this Mystery Shopping?

Out under the sun a number of job opportunities both freelance as well as part time job opportunities for the present day youth both for man and woman educated and not highly educated.  Yes  i mean Mystery shopping, among all freelance job which can be done both as full time and part time mystery shopping is certainly the numero uno.  Mystery shopping is a tool of marketing research utilized by businesses in knowing about how customers are getting served and in overall the efficacy maintained by business like star hotels in providing their service to their clients. Mystery shopping is the most thrilling, challenging and rewarding.

A Description of Mystery Shopping

Let us assume that the management of a five star hotel wants to know how their employees are interacting with their customers.  |As a first step they will enter into a contract with a mystery shopping service provider. in the next step a freelancer acting as a client will be deputed to the five star hotel and he will interact with the employees starting from receptionist and observe and note their behavior and the spontaneity of their response. Like this the "client" will go on observing many other factors about which the management of the hotel wants to get a first hand report In fact the freelancer must almost behave like a detective agent.   This is carried out in different ways

Various types of mystery shopping 

1) Personal: The first one is as i have described is a personal  visit by  a freelancer

2) Telephonic:  By speaking withe employees telephone without going to actual spot for observation.Nowadays this is frequently employed.

3) Video: This is nowadays very  popular.  This also helps to get a more realistic picture .Whether the employees were behaving properly or not or the exact situation that was prevailing lightings, other customers standing nearby , etc

Professional Association  and Certification.

In almost every country professional association do exist in almost every country.  these professional associations do set industry standards and code of ethics and courses to train newcomers and also also providing of information to members. As an example i am including a link to an American professional association of mystery shoppers 

and also National associations of Mystery shoppers

In India you can contact Association of Indian Mystery Shoppers. 

The mystery shoppers professional association  has various chapters in all the continents and regions..

Benefits Accrued

For Businesses:

1) It helps to enhance the quality of service because businesses can understand what sort of service customers are provided by their employees in the absence of supervision.

2) Identify possible business hazards.  With the help of Mystery shopping dishonest and fraudulent employess can be found out and nnecessary steps can be taken

3) Management can take correct decision.  Because this market research tool provides a true picture of ground realities management can take better and more effective decisions.

4)Better Management: Because management gets a realistic picture of ground realities they can manage better.

5)Sales is increased;  Because management can improve customer service  sales does increase

6) Brand image management:  Because realistic datas and information's are available management can improve the brand image

7)Answering employee question;.  if employees akls question aboujt the decisions taken by management management can easily answer with help of datas available mystery shopping.

8) Stopping criminal activity.  MS projects can be used to know whether employees are involving in illegal activities  for which management can be held responsible ande thereby stop those illegal activities.

() Gaining customer insight:.  Since a shopper can interact with other customers while doing his work a good insight can be obtained about what the customer is thinking about the services and his expectation and suggestion, management can get a clear insight of the customer and bring in the necessary changes in the way business is operated.







Now if you are genuinely interested in undertaking part time jobs  which you can do from your home than Please sign up with  freelancer

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